It would be very nice to be able to have the option to play the game, that we as some players would like, without having to run a dev. Those of us with occasional limited time wanting to just "have fun" for an hour or two without going through all the motions of a full game. I am sure one or two of you hard working developers can relate to that. Occasionally, after a long day of work, a player just wants to relax and just kick butt without the time consuming effort of hours of waiting for the dev trees to finish. The point was that a player should not have to open a dev version or a mod of the game just to activate a cheat. This was more a question to the developers. I am sure that 8 SOASE fanatic players opinions don't make up the whole player base opinion. As always I hear from the selfish SOASE snob group that misses the point once again, and it seems like always, never listen to what is being said. Just a word to all that replied, I didn't ask for your approvals and it doesn't really matter what 8 SOASE fanatic players think. Some days I have limited time and would love to just go in and run any map at any level and just build, destroy and conquer! ADD YOUR NAME TO THIS POST IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE CHEATS PUT IN. I really love this game but I am bored and tired of playing it one way. I know some will say if you don't want to play the game right then don't play the game and yes that's what it is coming to. I have spent days looking and running trainers an none of them work on the latest version of this game.none. Yes I know there is a trainer out there, that will do what I am asking, but you will have to pay for a $30 year membership first. I have played this game for hours and hours and hours at a time and it was fun but now I am really bored with it and would like to play the game my way. Just build, destroy and conquer! I know some will say that that is not what the game was designed for but I am the consumer and that's what I would like. There are times when a player wants to play this game without waiting for all the upgrades and research to finish. We all know what I am referring to: mega cystles, credits, metal, tactical points, logistic points, ships hulls, ships shields, instant research. Myself, along with I would say thousands and thousands of other players, would like to play the game our way instead of being forced to play the long draw out game play that the game requires. Why is it that Developers just haven't put cheats into the game? Is it really that hard to do for the single player version? I don't understand why cheats would not be available? Even the highet played games out there have cheats for their single player side.