
How to install lost alpha
How to install lost alpha

how to install lost alpha

Now we felt, its time to start to make our dreams.

how to install lost alpha

We also had some small projects, like the first blowout mod, freeplay mod, and assistances in other mods, like ol mod. We wanted to remake this for a long time, but we started Priboi Story last summer, so we decided to finish it first. Tons of trees, bushes around villages, nearly impossible to get in, it was real good. The zone at that time looked like a derelict area. Instead of darkscape, we got darkvalley, instead of the old landfill, we got the empty garbage, instead of old cool cordon, we got an other one, what is also good, but we miss the old factory, and villages. Then we opened forums, topics, and we talked about the old content, that was removed, or remade. First it was real good, and second time too, well actually we played it a lot of times, and it was still good, perfect, but something was missing.

how to install lost alpha

Later, during the years of developement, the team changed, ideas and possibilities changed, and the levels too. When we saw the fist videos of cordon, garbage, darkscape, radar, military, pripyat, and of cours e the power plant, we thought its not possible, its just a dream. We always wanted to play the old stalker, from that time, when we were kids too, and we became addiced with this idea. We don't know much about it, it was the first stalker prototype and the old dx7-8 engine was brilliant at that time. So they edited title, from oblivion lost, to Stalker - oblivion lost. Yes, at that time it was popular to make it, like serious sam However they realized, that it becomes boring, and wow they live near a strange place, the exclusion zone, so why not making a game about it? Most of us follows stalker development since 2001-2, when they presentated their new x-ray engine, and we saw some aztec city ruins with robots. The artifacts respawned after blowout, and the anomalies changed their position. The blowouts were also present, where you needed to look for a nice hideout. Total freeplay, no storyline (not good idea), unscripted alife (sometimes good, but mostly not), stalkers had their own jobs, they picked up infos and tasks at local traders, and they were wandering around, collecting artifact, then taking back them to the trader, etc. We are not just talking about level design, but the purpose of the game was different too. Because that was the name of old stalker, before they changed it to Shadow of Chernobyl.

How to install lost alpha